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(Legendary) "Based on our excavations of the site. We’ve discovered some information regarding the Council of Shamballa, and its intentions with creating the Aetheric Causeways. It seems they wanted to prevent the cataclysmic destruction of the previous ages, by attempting to control the Aether. In their hubris, they believed they could order and structure the Aether to behave predictably. A recreation of “Heaven on Earth”, or at least that was their belief. However, caging a wild thing, with the hopes of domesticating it, often leads to violent backlashes. Like building pressure behind a weakened dam, portions of the causeway became brittle, and fractured. And it was only a matter of time before it all came tumbling down. It’s still unclear whether the backlash was caused by this aetheric cracking. Or if the Chitahuri had some larger role to play in it. To be frank I didn’t care. I was just excited to hear my fathers final plan in the morning. I knew the broad strokes. We were going to use the Conduit to track and find the dark entity, and save my brother from his torment. However, nothing ever works out as planned." https://medium.com/@E.B.S/uranias-mirror-4-the-temple-conduit-pt-2-e303e4e12494

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